Projects we are
proud of

Creating mobile apps, web apps as well as decidated software is our passion.
We have a very long experience in implementation of even very complex projects.
See for yourself of which our IT works we are proud the most!

Dedicated apps and software

Platform for the sale of tickets
for music events.

Platform has been made for creation of events, management of the tickets, creation of special offers and adding gifts to the order. User has a lot of possibilities, from choosing best seats for every event to adding gadgets and souvenirs to the cart.

Interactive travel map

Dedicated app created for the museum. It was created as a responsive map showing the places that last pirate of Baltic Sea (Eryk Pomorski) had visited during his travel. User could have display the timeline so he could see all the places visited by a pirate. After clicking on a date on timeline, app was zooming in to the exact place visited at certain time.

CMS system for management of app content

User has the abbility of managing different sections of app, changing their content etc. It was created according to the needs of customer while keeping simple and clear form.


Let’s talk about your needs. About your project.

Mobile Apps

Application for management of prescriptions.

Mobile app for management of prescriptions. Doctor can create a prescription, fill in all the necessary informations regarding his patient, medication, dosage of drugs and then save these details. After that, a prescription is generated and can be printed or saved as QR code and send straight to the pharmacy without the need of having physical prescriptions.

Do you need an experienced IT specialist?

Contact us!

Web apps

SPAR website

SPAR online shop

Graphic concept for SPAR. Project was created carefully with compliance to the shop theme. Main objective was to create a new aesthetic frontpage view that would be suited to the current standards.

App for calculating the costs of freight

Internet service for managementof export and import of pallets between countries within European Union.  Application is dedicated for calculation od freight costs according to the type of pallete and dimmensions of goods. Customer can choose starting and target countries using post codes.

TREO web application

They trusted us: sp. z o. o.

ul. Głogowska 31/33 60-702 Poznań
tel.: +48 690 666 604
e-mail: office [at]

NIP: 8522655804
REGON: 383167648
KRS: 0000783376

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SOFTWARE-HOUSE.EU Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Poznaniu (60-702) przy ul. Głogowska 31/33, wpisana do Rejestru Przedsiębiorców prowadzonej przez Sąd Rejonowy Szczecin – Centrum w Szczecinie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000783376, NIP: 8522655804, REGON 383167648, kapitał zakładowy: 10 000,00 złotych.

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